Rachel Li is a User Experience Designer in Oakland, California.

Companies I’ve helped


“You are a phenomenal leader.”

— Shaun Pansolli, Lead Designer

“Working with Rachel is one of the perks of the job.”

— Cathy Kuo, Product Manager

“I’m absolutely blown away with what Rachel and Deb put together. Exceptional.”

— Camile Roth, Product Owner

“Rachel raised the bar for user research and usability testing at Ancestry.com.”

— Mark Allen, Product Manager

“You support me and push me to do my best work. I’m excited by this vision you have.”

— Casey Wright, Lead Researcher

“Rachel is the gold standard for how I will judge other interaction designers.”

— Steven Soshea, Creative Director

“I love your proactive, positive, and collaborative approach. I learn from you daily.”

— Natasha Fernandez Fountain, Lead Designer
